Finding the right school for your child might not be easy. It can be time consuming to search online for information on schools, to arrange visits or organise entrance exam. Some parents know what they need to do but would like support from someone who has their best interests at heart. And that is what we do at Which Boarding, make very easy for you to find vacancies in independent schools.
Our passion stems from our belief in the importance of education and learning in the right setting. That does not mean that all schools will be suitable. We have placed thousands of children in schools across the UK – it is our business to know what each school is like and what they can offer your child.
How to find vacancies in boarding independent schools?
Each year thousands of children start at one of the UK’s boarding private schools. Such schools offer excellent teaching, state-of-the-art, high-tech facilities that reflect the modern world, and opportunities through extra-curricular programmes to participate in a range of sporting clubs or to develop their creative interests.
Unless you are certain of how to find vacancies in independent schools, the process can be time-consuming and difficult. Our free consultancy does all the leg work for you. In addition, with our considerable knowledge and expertise we are there to advise and guide you through the process.
Which Boarding guides though the process
Our initial chat will enable us to put together a list of your requirements and criteria to narrow down your school shortlist. We’ll then go through our schools and identify three or four school recommendations that match your criteria for you to review.
We’ll collate and send you information on these schools, speak with school staff on your behalf and report back on admission criteria and availability of places. You will of course wish to visit a school so we will liaise with the staff and arrange any school visits you wish to make.
Once you have decided on the right school for your child, we will assist with any entrance exams (such as English language tests if required) and put you in touch with our partner agencies who can help you with guardianships and visas if necessary.
We will work with you, supporting you every step of the way and we’ll keep in touch even after your child’s first day at their new school. That is how to find vacancies in independent schools correctly.
We will find you a vacancy in the most suitable independent school for you
Our consultants are experts in their field. They have excellent knowledge of UK boarding schools and work hard to keep up-to-date on the latest news from schools across the country. We will look at your child’s interests, temperament and personality to find a school that will enable your child to thrive.
We can help you in how to find vacancies in independent schools as much or as little as you wish. If you feel that you’d like us to take over the search and organise all the above, that’s absolutely fine; alternatively, you might feel like you’d just like one or two of the services we provide. Either way, our service is completely free, totally independent and impartial.
We have been operating for over 20 years and in that time, we’ve helped thousands of families like you find a place at the best boarding private schools in the country.