The Leys School is a co-educational Independent school in Cambridge. The Leys School are more than just a school; we are a close-knit, engaged, friendly community in which pastoral care is seen as a top priority. We see ourselves as a big, small school: big enough to offer a huge range of opportunities, but small enough that we are able to get to know individuals, with all their individual strengths and unique characters, and able to encourage them to strive to be the best they can be. The confidence which our pupils gain from this encouraging family atmosphere is perhaps the greatest gift we can offer them – without it, they cannot hope to fulfil their potential in work and play.
Boarding at The Leys School
The majority of Leysians are boarders and while they live in one House, school-wide activities will find them mixing throughout the day in lessons, sport, after-school activities and social time, ensuring school friendships are widespread.
The Leys campus thrives on community life, each House having a strong sense of identity and unity, yet healthy inter-house competition enriches the pattern of daily life, especially in the sporting, arts and debating fora. The boarding day starts at 7:30 am with breakfast; at 6:00 pm boarders have supper then return to their House for evening prep, and participate in a wide range of evening activities on campus.
Some pupils at The Leys take advantage of the ‘home boarding’ facility where pupils sleep at home yet participate fully in daily school life. Pupils eat supper in School, as well as complete their prep and evening activities, so in effect, they participate almost fully in the daily routine yet remain in close contact with their families.