Millfield is a remarkable place. From its foundation in 1935, with six princes brought from India, Millfield is today one of the leading UK independent schools for boys and girls, aged 2-18 years. The school offers a diverse range of subjects, sports, creative arts and activities is on offer, supported by outstanding facilities including an Olympic sized pool, equestrian centre, indoor golf and cricket centres, 350-seat concert hall, a theatre, art gallery and science centre. The school’s aim is to ensure every child can discover their brilliance across all aspects of school life. Talented and committed staff work with the students to achieve these ends. The school is grounded in the strength of relationships that are the bedrock of all great communities. Millfield is tremendously diverse in terms of the academic, cultural and sporting backgrounds of its students, and they celebrate this diversity.
Boarding at Millfield School
All boarders (around 75% of students) are full boarders so they live at school seven days a week and there is a vibrant weekend programme of activities. The school is alive on the weekend with 995 boarders, including 250 British expats, living onsite and benefitting from the home from home environment. Their house is the place where most students make long-lasting friendships and receive the support and guidance of a team of dedicated staff to guide them through their time at school. We ensure, through our excellent pastoral system, that students settle in well and very quickly adapt to boarding life.
Each house has a Housemaster or Housemistress (HsM), an Assistant HsM, a team of non-resident tutors and a matron. The boarding environment at Millfield encourages students to live their lives to the full in as many spheres as possible, allowing individuality to flourish. The houses are the focal point of students’ lives at school and boarders are highly supportive of each other’s achievements and enjoy going to sports matches, concerts and plays where friends are performing. Trips and are held regularly, and this is supplemented by the many cultural events that departments hold on Saturday evenings. On Sundays, houses often go to events or can use the swimming pool or other sporting facilities.
Millfield offer Military families a 15% Forces concession, in addition to Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA).