Acres of fun and learning, all 1,200 of them…
Nestled within our stunning 1200 acre campus of soft rolling hills and wooded valleys, there is a school where pupils are thriving. It is a school with an inspirational charitable Foundation, a passion for the individual and one which nurtures character and inner self-confidence. At Lord Wandsworth College, pupils have a voice, alongside a desire to be curious, creative and gain an ever-developing sense of emotional intelligence. We also have a great deal of fun!
Our aim is to shape inwardly self-confident, outwardly modest young men and women who are not only curious and passionate but are ambitious to go and make a positive difference in the world. Our pupils consistently excel in traditional testing, with more than half scoring A* to A grades (or 9s) at GCSE and A Level. More importantly, they are given an education of opportunities. We ensure each pupil is given the opportunity to excel in whatever guise that takes – part of a philosophy that put our senior staff on the i25 shortlist for innovators in education. Pupils work hard inside the classroom, and outside it too, with a wealth of possibilities in sport, the Arts, STEM and our incomparable access to nature, leaving our pupils with a sense of radical optimism – a spirit that says, ‘through perseverance, I can conquer’, our school motto for over 100 years.
Happy children are successful children in whatever guise that takes and this is underpinned by our focus on welfare and good mental health; the triumvirate of our +3 philosophy. We won Independent School of the Year for Wellbeing thanks to our emphasis on pupil care. This philosophy is strengthened by our pioneering Parental Engagement Programme which sees parents and staff working closely to develop a common understanding about what great development looks and feels like for our children.
Please do visit us and experience all that Lord Wandsworth College has to offer. Meet our remarkable pupils and our staff and imagine for yourself, and your children, the thrill of learning and growing in this extraordinary setting.
Boarding at Lord Wandsworth College
At Lord Wandsworth College they pride themselves on the quality of the pastoral care that is provided for all of the pupils whether day or boarding (flexi, weekly or full). Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent and the children have a wide variety of people they can approach with any concerns they might have.
All pupils are members of a boarding House, whether day, flexi, weekly or full boarders. In their Houses they enjoy the support of their Houseparent, their Resident Tutor/s, their Visiting Tutors and of course their Matrons! The Chaplain also visits the Houses on a regular basis and provides yet another source of invaluable support for the students.