Mill Hill International is part of a Foundation dating back to 1807, which also includes our pre prep, Grimsdell, our prep, Belmont, our senior school, Mill Hill School and our most recent addition, Cobham Hall School, Kent. At Mill Hill International pupils from all over the world come together to gain internationally recognised qualifications, a transformational educational and cultural experience.
We have the best of both worlds; our campus is newly refurbished, with wonderful modern facilities, yet we are centred around an impressive historical building dating back to 1875 and surrounded by 150 acres of green space belonging to The Foundation. We also use Mill Hill School’s sports facilities, theatre, and Music school.
Pupils come to Mill Hill International from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, sharing our commitments to study, a strong sense of purpose, and high expectations, creating a dynamic learning environment where every pupil can achieve their very best.
Boarding at Mill Hill International
Boarding at Mill Hill International is a great way to experience real British culture because our international pupils board alongside their UK peers at Mill Hill School. We are an ideal bridge to an international pupil’s next school, whether Mill Hill School or another renowned British boarding school.
Our academic programmes last from one term to three years. Each course offers a wide range of academic subject choices, and an extensive co-curricular programme, including Sport, Music, Art Drama and numerous clubs. Class sizes are small and all our teachers are trained in teaching English as an additional language.
There are three points of entry into the school – the 13+ (Year 9) entry, the 14+ (Year 10 – Two-Year GCSE course) entry and the 15+ (Year 11 – One-Year GCSE course) entry. We also have the 14-16 entry point to our Fast Track Course.