St Swithun’s is an ‘appropriately academic’ school which means that they celebrate intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. St Swithun’s School expects pupils to develop individual passions and through them acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. If a girl can immediately excel at everything asked of her, the School as educators must set the bar higher. St Swithun’s want all girls to learn about life beyond the school gates, to appreciate the rich variety of our world, to develop an understanding of compassion and to value justice.
The girls learn to seize each school day for what it offers, both in and outside the classroom, while looking for opportunities to contribute to the life of the school. St Swithun’s expect great things from their girls and are rarely disappointed.
Boarding at St Swithun’s
Boarders at St Swithun’s very often say that boarding is their favourite thing about school. They like being with their friends, having time to take part in lots of activities, being part of a community and being able to roll out of bed into school via breakfast.