The heart of prep school education is expressed in one word, preparatory. The curriculum at Hazlegrove Preparatory School prepares children for the next phases of their lives, for the demands of a more specialised senior education and, in the longer term, to be able to meet the challenges of the workplace and to thrive in their personal and professional lives, understanding their responsibilities in making the world a better place. In Year 4, pupils join the rest of the Prep School in attending school on Saturday mornings from which the children benefit in a myriad of ways; whether it be the space this creates over the course of a week to explore topics and interests to the pressure that this removes from having to fit everything in from Monday to Friday.
The traditional academic disciplines, including Latin, are complimented by Music and Drama, Art and Design and Outdoor Education, as well as a varied Sports programme. Computers and ICT are seen as a vital component of Hazlegrove education but never as an end in themselves.
Hazlegrove Preparatory School believes that many of the most important aspects of education cannot be measured. They value honesty, compassion, respect for our neighbours and their property. Aiming to win and lose with equal grace and to be quick to say thank you and well done.
Pupils’ progress is monitored from an early age to ensure that potential is fulfilled and any difficulties are identified as early as possible. This progress is regularly assessed, both formally and informally, and parents are kept up-to-date about levels of effort and attainment through the reporting system and pattern of regular parent-teacher meetings. Parents are encouraged to discuss their children’s progress with staff at any time.
Pupils are prepared for entry to a wide range of senior schools and considerable success is achieved on the scholarship front. They gain entry either through the Common Entrance or Scholarship examinations and awards gained maybe Academic, Sport, Music, Art, DT, Drama or All Round.
Boarding at Hazlegrove
It is all about the family feel at Hazlegrove Preparatory School and the well-being of the children is the most important aspect of school life. As a team of adults, caring for children, Hazlegrove continually strives to keep the children and their happiness, at the forefront of all that they do, think and say.
Ensuring that our boarding environment is one where:
- there is a genuine family-feel
- there is a trusting and safe environment where everyone feels that they can be the best person they were intended to be
- a community flourishes, that includes others and encourages the involvement of parents, non-resident staff and day children alike.
Mr Schreiber (the Head of Boarding and Senior Boys’ Houseparent) and Mr Forbes (the Boarding Co-ordinator and Girls’ Houseparent) oversee and coordinate all aspects of the boarding. They support the other Houseparents and the matrons who also have an important pastoral role in addition to looking after the practical needs of the pupils.
Houseparents live in accommodation within each of the houses. Additionally, Blackford and Lankester have resident matrons whilst School House is home to a number of gap students. With other houses in the grounds being home to staff and their families, it means there are over 30 adults resident at the school. Houseparents are on duty five nights out of seven with resident members of staff being responsible on the other evenings.
At 6.00 pm, when most (but not all) of the day pupils have gone home, the boarders change into their home clothes and have tea together.
After tea, the children then have a programme of supervised activities using the sports facilities, art and design room, fields and woods. There is extra prep for those in Year 7 and 8 and also supervised music practice for all those who learn a musical instrument. Late supper is then available for the senior pupils before returning to the houses.
Each year group returns to their boarding house at their allotted time to shower, change into their bedclothes before enjoying a short while in the common room playing games, chatting or doing a jigsaw. It’s then time for bed so, after cleaning teeth, they settle down with 15-30 minutes of quiet time – the children might be read a story or they may just read to themselves before lights out.